Parent Consultation

Parent Consultation

There is no shortage of advice available to parents. Books, magazines, teachers, in-laws and other parents all have something to say. Sifting through that advice and finding solutions that work for your family can be daunting. Parent consultation is an opportunity to look at problem behavior through the lens of your values, your skills and your child’s unique needs. When we take all of these factors into account, we can find solutions that are fairly easy to implement and bring big changes to family life.

Issues for which families seek consultation include:

  • Bed time battles
  • Struggles around food
  • Toileting issues
  • Tantrums
  • Whining and negativity
  • Finding a unified approach (getting parents “on the same page”)
  • Preparing for new siblings or other major life changes
  • Talking with children about illness and death

For Adoptive Parents:  Adoptive parenting offers it’s own unique challenges and opportunities.  Finding advice that suites your family can be difficult.  As a community service, I offer one free parent consolation session to all adoptive families.  This is offered in gratitude for all the support I received in my own journey as an adoptive parent and infers no obligation to continue work with me as either consultant or therapist.